International Journal of

Arts , Humanities & Social Science

ISSN 2693-2547 (Print) , ISSN 2693-2555 (Online)
DOI: 10.56734/ijahss
From Unfamiliarity to Mastery -- A Deep Dive into Preparing “From Forgotten Melodies, Sonata Reminisce in A Minor Op. 38 No. 1” For Performance


This paper provides a comprehensive study and performance guide for pianists aspiring to independently learn Nikolai Medtner's "From Forgotten Melodies, Sonata Reminiscenza in A Minor Op. 38 No. 1." It explores the historical context of Medtner's work, analyzes the musical structure, and offers practical suggestions for performance, including considerations for tempo, articulation, and pedaling. The paper also examines Medtner's unique musical language and compares interpretations from five reference recordings by renowned pianists. By delving into the depths of this exceptional composition, pianists can gain insights to enhance their understanding and performance of this challenging solo piano piece. The study aims to serve as a valuable resource for pianists embarking on this exploratory musical voyage.