In 1939,
The Wizard of Oz premiered and introduced the amazing journey
and adventure of a teenage girl in the Land of Oz found somewhere over the
rainbow. This story and movie helped develop imagination and creativity in the
minds of generations of young children in America and around the world.
Amazingly, The Wizard of Oz was also a
story depicting the qualities of great leaders:
vision, mentor, problem-solving, collaboration, data mastery, brain,
heart, courage, inspiration, relationships, teamwork, and home.
After almost a century, these same leadership qualities are
supported and strengthened by leadership research and literature.If recognized
and developed, the Wizard of Oz Leadership qualities would help many
educational leaders reach the pinnacle of greatness. More importantly, great
school leadership would help all educators and students achieve maximum success
in our schools because, after all, everyone’s “heart’s desire” can be found
right in their “own (school) . . .