International Journal of

Arts , Humanities & Social Science

ISSN 2693-2547 (Print) , ISSN 2693-2555 (Online)
DOI: 10.56734/ijahss
Japanese And Indonesian Causative Contrastive Analysis



This research aims to describe the causative similarities and differences in Japanese and Indonesia in terms of their types, formation, and matching process as an effort to improve the quality of Japanese education. The description of the causative types refers to the sorting based on Shibatani (1976) and Cormie (1989), namely lexical causative, morphological causative, and analytical causative. The formation was seen from the original sentence whether the sentence is verbal, nominal, or adjective. Matching process was done from the Japanese to Indonesian causative through the matching technique.

The data analysis result shows that in Japanese there are only two types of causative, they are lexical and morphological causative which is marked by the suffix –seru or –saseru attached to the tip of the verb called shieki. Meanwhile, in Indonesian there are three types of causative, they are lexical, morphological, and analytical causative. Japanese causative is closer and appropriately matched into Indonesian analytical causative, because the elements of cause and effect are clearly displayed.