emergence of different governance theories as a way of present better services
by service providers to service users have led to the concept of
decentralization in many countries and Cameroon inclusive. This wakeup call
imposed on the Cameroon government by donor agencies led to the promulgation of
Laws on decentralization but the practical experience of Cameroon is that this
has remain on paper and the reality on the ground presents a completely
different scenario. The gulf separating what is and what out to be is what this
paper attempts to present. This is largely to be blamed on lack of political
will and inertia. The Cameroonian government has been reticent in enforcing the
decentralization process despite the numerous legal backing making the
implementation process of decentralization a myth. This article tries to look
at the weaknesses of the implementation phase and therefore, thinks that if
decentralization was fully in place the numerous difficulties Cameroon is
facing would have been reduced drastically. However, the practical modalities
of this governance strategy are needed to be revisited.