International Journal of

Arts , Humanities & Social Science

ISSN 2693-2547 (Print) , ISSN 2693-2555 (Online)
DOI: 10.56734/ijahss
Human Rights of Vulnerable Groups in Albania



This article addresses human rights protection of vulnerable groups in the context of respect for human rights and freedoms. Although Albania has ratified the European Social Charter to guarantee social rights, there are still shortcomings in the area of ​​social policy and in guaranteeing of fundamental human rights. Those who suffer the consequences are members of vulnerable groups who do not have sufficient access to social services, education, health, housing, etc. The factors that constitute their vulnerability are many and include: age, ethnic origin, race, gender, health status, poverty, social and economic status, etc.

Human Rights protection of vulnerable groups in Albania faces the challenges of a society that passes through a difficult phase of political, economic and social transition. The Albanian state should reduce the social exclusion of vulnerable groups, engaging all possible sources in the direction of social protection systems. Policies should be dynamic and guarantee the instruments that these groups can continue moving forward and being not fully dependent on economic aid and social programs, which keeps these groups in the same vulnerability status and increases the likelihood of their return to their previous state of affairs.