International Journal of

Arts , Humanities & Social Science

ISSN 2693-2547 (Print) , ISSN 2693-2555 (Online)
DOI: 10.56734/ijahss
The Making of a Sociologist


When students ask me how and why I became a sociologist, the question always forces me to pause and reflect. The pause and reflection may surprise many students, since my road to sociology was a zig zag road with many unforeseen detours and dead-ends. As a pre-teen, I was a tinker and fancied myself a fixer and technician. Taking apart working clocks and radios was a challenge I could not resist, and being punished for such inquisitiveness, since I usually did not have he skills for making the once working items work again, did not cause me to desist in such behavior. It was about this time when I decided that I wanted to become a physician. Looking back, I had a vague recollection of our family doctor, Dr. Hoffman, once telling me that I had a technical mind and might become a physician. In my youth enthusiasm I might have thought he said should, rather than might. In any case, the thought of becoming a physician stuck in my mind even as would venture into other areas of interest, the chief of these being music.