Concerns of teachers must
be identified to provide quality teacher education programs and professional
development. The theoretical framework of this study was the Teacher Career
Cycle (Fessler & Christensen, 1992). The theory explains that as teachers
move through the cycle, their characteristics and professional needs change.
The purpose of this study was to identify the concerns of Illinois agriculture
teachers of different experience levels. A multi-part instrument of demographic
information, two teacher concern statements, and a Likert-type scale of
concerns was administered. The sample was divided into three experience groups:
early career, mid-career, and late career. The results indicate that certain
concerns do change with the level of experience and that mid-career teachers in
this sample have the most concerns. We recommend that these results be shared
with the Illinois Association of Vocational Agriculture Teachers, universities,
state agricultural education staff, and other stakeholders. Those leading
professional development should consider years of experience when planning for
workshops. Professional development topics on student motivation, funding for
supplies, and student safety should be explored.