International Journal of

Arts , Humanities & Social Science

ISSN 2693-2547 (Print) , ISSN 2693-2555 (Online)
DOI: 10.56734/ijahss


Vol.01 Issue No.01; June 2020
Table of Contents
Above and Beyond: Kant and Supererogation

Andrew Delunas

Keywords: Supererogatory, Kantian casuistry, Kant’s theory, Guevara’s criticism Pages: 01 - 07

Developing English Listening and Speaking Skills: A Cross Sectional Survey of Elementary School Teachers

Dr. Nazir Haider Shah; Dr. Ziarab Mahmood; Nadia Nazir

Keywords: Role of Teacher, English Languages Skills, Elementary Level Pages: 08 - 19

“Getting Free Stuff”: A University Campus Periodic Market and Wednesday Ritual

Olubukola Olayiwola, PhD

Keywords: Periodic market; the informal economy; economic anthropology. Pages: 20- 35

Relationship of Revenge Motivation with Aggression among University Students in Faisalabad-Pakistan

Riffat Sadiq, Ph. D

Keywords: Revenge motivation, Aggression, Students, University Pages: 36 - 47

Social influence on medicine: An analysis and a proposal

Abraham (Rami) Rudnick

Keywords: Benefit, Harm, Influence, Medicine, Social, Values Pages: 48 - 51

In Praise of Substitute Teachers

Ralph Y. McKay, Ed.D.

Keywords: Recognition, Educational Skills, Premium Pay, Assessment Pages: 52 - 55

The Animist Museum of Lake Texcoco: Environmental Entanglements in Central Mexico

David Gutiérrez Castañeda ; Adriana Salazar

Keywords: Epistemic Entanglements, Topographical, Animism, Museology Pages: 56 - 66